The Wissensregion Düsseldorf makes it possible: IHK President Andreas Schmitz and Police President Norbert Wesseler swapped workplaces on 29.10.2020 in an exchange of minds

On his first “working day” (October 29, 2020), the “new” IHK President Norbert Wesseler was welcomed by IHK Managing Director Gregor Berghausen at Ernst-Schneider-Platz.
The Corporate Services team then presented the IHK’s tasks for the brokerage industry and in the fight against deliberately unfair business practices.
The International Department then dealt with fraud attempts from abroad to the detriment of local companies.
Finally, Norbert Wesseler visited the IT department of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce to find out about its infrastructure, services and data management.
This included data enrichment, the exchange with trade registration offices and courts as well as the archiving of documents.
The new IHK President summarized his first impressions with the following words:

“The change of perspective was an enriching experience.
I was able to gain interesting insights into the work processes of another institution.
The ‘exchange of minds’ is an exciting project.”

The day of the new “police chief” was also a busy one

During a jour fixe with Senior Police Director Dietmar Henning, Head of the Directorate for Emergency Response/Employment (GE), IHK President Andreas Schmitz gained an in-depth insight into the tasks of the GE Directorate, visited the authority’s control center and was introduced to the rooms of the command staff for major police situations.
At 11:00 a.m., he went to “his” office in Haroldstraße, where he was welcomed by Senior Government Director Silke Wehmhörner, Head of the Central Tasks Directorate (ZA) and also Deputy Chief Constable.
He was then given an overview of the tasks of the Directorate ZA and the daily situation report.
A concluding jour fixe with Chief Police Director Jürgen Lankes, Head of the Traffic Directorate (V), provided him with in-depth insights into the tasks and framework conditions of Directorate V. The “new” police president was impressed by the extensive look behind the scenes: “What most of us are usually only aware of via the media or the odd police siren turned out to be a multi-faceted and complex universe.
The work that the officers do every day to protect citizens and maintain order in public life fills me with respect.
So, my second exchange of minds was both exciting and instructive, and hopefully a win-win situation for both sides,” concluded Andreas Schmitz.

Find out more about the head swap here

And here you can find the press release of the IHK Düsseldorf on the exchange of heads Featured image: IHK Düsseldorf

Swapping heads: IHK and police headquarters with new presidents for a day

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