A comprehensive analysis of our work as Wissensregion Düsseldorf e.V. has been underway since fall 2020 – many thanks to everyone who has contributed to the strategy process with their feedback in the online survey, the in-depth interviews and the working groups.
Participation will be continued in 2021.
Goal of self-reflection
When it was founded on November 17, 2017, Wissensregion Düsseldorf set itself the internal goal of a three-year pilot phase with subsequent self-reflection based on its business plan.
This self-reflection was now due in the third year of activity in 2020 and was implemented with broad participation: A quantitative online survey in late summer 2020 collected a comprehensive opinion of over 65 participants on the activities and wishes of Wissensregion Düsseldorf.
In-depth qualitative interviews with experts from staff departments, such as Transfer and Public Relations, provided impetus for the further focusing of project work and working groups.
We would like to thank them all for their open and constructive cooperation.
How the further strategy process should proceed in 2021
All the results of the empirical analyses have been incorporated into a preliminary strategy report.
Two to three possible strategic routes for the future of the region have been prepared in the report.
This report and the routes will now form the basis for the coming months: At the beginning of 2021, the essence of the report will be presented and discussed in the Wissensregion Düsseldorf working groups.
The working groups can then translate the provisionally outlined strategic routes into initial communication and project strategies, which will then be taken up in a central member workshop in the second quarter of 2021 and lead to a jointly adopted new direction for the years 2021-2025. Our members and we as the office expect the entire process to result in a clearer positioning and identification with the region as a knowledge hub, a stronger focus on the work and concrete benefits for the work of the working group members.
With this in mind, further feedback to the office (kontakt@wissensregion-duesseldorf.de) is welcome at any time!