In the dynamic landscape of Wissensregion Düsseldorf, the welcome and advice event “Düsseldorf meets International Talents” stands in the spotlight as a forward-looking initiative. This specially designed event aims to keep highly qualified students and researchers from abroad in the region for the long term after completing their education. In cooperation with renowned partners such as Henkel, the Max Planck Institute for Iron Research in Düsseldorf and the Düsseldorf Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), the aim is not only to attract international talent, but also to retain it in the region in the long term.

What is “Düsseldorf meets International Talents”?

“Düsseldorf meets International Talents” is an integral part of Wissensregion Düsseldorf’s strategy to use education and knowledge as a core pillar of regional development and location marketing. At this annual event, which took place for the second time last year (2023), international students and researchers who are completing their studies in the region are invited to show them the diverse professional and cultural opportunities in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area.

Program and objectives of this event

The day is filled with workshops, lectures and networking events organized by the cooperation partners and local companies. Participants gain valuable insights into the world of work in the region and make contacts with potential employers. In addition, offers of support in the search for work and further training are presented. In addition to these practical offers, the event also serves to create a welcoming and integrative environment for international talent.

The positive response to previous events shows how valuable such initiatives are for retaining international specialists. Networking talent with local companies and institutions not only improves the career opportunities of those involved, but also strengthens the cultural and economic diversity of the region. This contributes significantly to the sustainable development and growth of Wissensregion Düsseldorf.

Düsseldorf meets International Talents

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