Innovation semester 2023/24: Search for course instructors

The application phase for course instructors for the “Innovation Semester 2023/24” has begun.
Submit your project ideas by June 16!
Take the opportunity to implement innovative projects with interdisciplinary teams.
You can win project funding of up to €750, teaching time or remuneration.
Article about WRD and iSem in the RP

The Rheinische Post also reported on its university website about the Wissensregion Düsseldorf and the 4th Innovation Semester: “Out of the lecture hall – into practice”.
Students, trainees and professionals can spend a semester producing their own music, brewing beer or designing a virtual exhibition in an interdisciplinary way.
Thinking outside the student box is an essential part of the innovation semester.
The film of the BREWNO course

The winning team of the “Innovation Semester 2022/23” impressed the “Wissensregion Düsseldorf” jury not only with the taste of their home-brewed beer, but above all with their impressive presentation of the results.
Their self-made video impressively shows how the different participants became a team in which everyone was able to contribute his or her skills.
The aim was to capture the collaborative process of brewing beer on camera.
See for yourself in the video of the winning team of this year’s innovation semester!